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RPA/AI will change the way your business handles repetitive and mundane processes. Form and transactional processes and data input will become faster and more accurate.
Are you thinking of automating some aspects of your business? Did you know that implementing the right RPA strategies can reduce the amount of time spent manually inputting data, and will streamline your business, increasing efficiency and reducing expenditure?
Automation is changing the way we work. Rule based, repeatable functions such as form processing and data copying can be automated effectively and easily, freeing up your best people to concentrate on other things that bring more value to your company. More efficient and accurate processes will benefit your customers, your profits and your stakeholders and give you more control whilst allowing you to concentrate on the things that really matter.
JifJaff is a specialised independent RPA consultancy company. We design, deliver and manage RPA solutions. By helping you choose the right and relevant solutions for your business, we can reduce your overheads and increase your capacity, accuracy and profitability. We understand the difficulties you face and can advise on and implement an RPA system that will help your business embrace the future.
There are many RPA/AI systems, offering a variety of different functions. The breadth of choice can be confusing. Our expert consultants will help you navigate the RPA minefield and advise you as to what is important and necessary for your individual requirements.
- 47%
- 53%
47% of AP professionals see manual data/inefficient processes as their biggest challenge
- 44%
- 22%
- 34%
22% of employees’ time is spent on repetitive tasks. Knowledge based workers spend 40% of their time organising/looking for data
- 10%
- 90%
On average human error occurs in 10/100 steps
How much time do your employees spend on mundane repetitive tasks? If you could implement changes that would free up your workforce whilst reducing the margin for error, why would you think twice? Not only does RPA improve accuracy, it improves your overall service. More accuracy, less costs, less delays, increased compliance and better quality output.
As an independent consultancy, JifJaff will recommend the best RPA solution for your requirements. We have no vested interested in a particular vendor. Our advice is expert led and impartial. We asses your requirements, advise on the best RPA system for your needs and give you all the information you need to make an informed and beneficial decision.
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