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Filing and actioning blood tests

NHS Primary Care can support doctors and patients with Automation

Blood tests are critical for doctors to diagnose and manage various medical conditions. They can help doctors identify and monitor health. However, filing and actioning blood tests can be time-consuming and cumbersome for doctors and patients. This is where Automation can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the blood test filing/actioning process. Think about it this way: if you have already decided what you need to act and why (based on the result), why are you still looking to check yourself – the answer is it’s the way they are presented to you. With our Automation product, it’s possible to remove the reviewing of results – where there is a pre-set logic to follow, leaving you time to review the results that do not fit in the “I don’t need to see this” bucket. 

Here are some reasons why Automation is needed to support doctors and patients in filing and actioning blood tests:

  1. Improving accuracy: Automated blood test systems can help eliminate the risk of human error.
  2. Lowering costs & freeing time: By Automating and actioning the tests, a clinician that doesn’t need to see you will give thousands of hours back a year. Hours that can be spent doing things that can’t be Automated – like managing the positive results.
  3. Reducing turnaround time: Automation can help reduce the turnaround time for blood test results, allowing doctors to make informed decisions more quickly. This can be particularly important in cases where timely treatment is critical, such as in emergencies.
  4. Enhancing patient experience: Automated blood test systems can help improve the patient experience by reducing wait times, eliminating the need for repeat visits, and providing patients with easy access to their test results.
  5. Improving communication: Automated blood test systems can help improve communication between doctors and patients by providing patients with timely and accurate test results and allowing doctors to communicate with patients via secure messaging.
  6. Enhancing data analysis: Automated blood test systems can help doctors analyse patient data more efficiently, allowing them to identify trends and make informed decisions about treatment plans.
  7. Providing scalability: As the number of blood tests being performed grows, doctors need solutions that can scale to meet the demand. Automation can provide scalable solutions that can adapt to the needs of healthcare providers of all sizes.

In short, you can remove the things that don’t require a “person to make a decision” and free time and improve how you communicate with patients.