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Automating Coding and Filing in NHS Primary Care

In the National Health Service (NHS), primary care providers deliver most healthcare services to patients. With the volume of patient information that needs to be recorded and coded, it’s no surprise that healthcare providers are turning to Automation to improve efficiency and reduce cost (as clinical specialists often do this), and accuracy.

The two most used electronic health records (EHR) systems in primary care settings is EMIS and SystmOne. Both systems provide a platform for clinicians to record patient information including diagnoses, treatments, and medications.

However, filing and coding this information can be time-consuming and error-prone without Automation.

Fortunately, there is help at hand. Specialist Automation products can help by reading codes from free text or templates and actions based on predefined rules. I.e. file or triage to a person. This eliminates the need for clinical specialists to manually enter the same information multiple times, reducing the risk of errors and freeing up valuable time.

The benefits of Automation in an NHS primary care settings extend beyond just filing and coding. By reducing administrative burden and improving accuracy, clinicians can focus more on patient care.

Additionally, Automation can help to standardise processes, reducing the variability in the care provided across different clinicians and practices.

Overall, it’s clear that using Automation to support coding and filling in primary care settings in the NHS works.

As technology evolves even more, advanced automation tools will likely become available, further streamlining the healthcare process, and improving patient outcomes.