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About Us

Transforming NHS Primary Care & Healthcare through Automation (RPA) products

We at JifJaff have developed MyBotGP range of Primary Care Automation products designed to be used at Practice, PCN or Federation. We are recognised for our dedication to innovation, having recently won a place on a HIN launchpad programme- an NHS & UK Government funded program. Our primary goal is to help General Practitioners save time, lower costs, increase accuracy, and, if required, enforce standardisation without changing how they work. We are an impact driven organisation with the purpose of supporting General Practitioners by automating processes and improving patient care.

Our Mission and Vision

Mission – Advancing NHS primary care by providing innovative Automation (RPA) products through our MyBotGP range. We strive to automate workflows, save time, lower costs, and enhance accuracy while preserving the essence of personalised patient care.

Vision – Our vision is to lead the way in fully automating Primary Care. We aspire to develop highly scalable, easily customisable products that can be seamlessly integrated into existing Primary Care systems.


We Empower Primary Care, Healthcare & NHS

Free Up Time

Save Money and Resources

Increase Efficiency and Accuracy

Maintain Exceptional Patient Care


Meet our leaders who work continuously towards transforming our vision into action, empowering our team to lead with a growth mindset and serve our customers with dedication and excellence.

James Aitmen

James Aitman

Co-founder of JifJaff, Former CEO of GlobalMediRec

An expert in NHS primary care and healthcare automation products.



Sanjeev Talwar

Co-founder of JifJaff and former FTSE100 Transformation Consultant

Bringing extensive expertise in transformative NHS primary care and healthcare automation products.



What our clients said about us:

MyBotGP has seamlessly integrated into our practice workflow with excellent results. The consistent and accurate filing of normal blood results not only saves clinicians time, but also eliminates human error and variability, thereby improving patient safety overall. The setup was straightforward and the support provided by the JiffJaff team has been excellent when needed. They are quick to respond and committed to continuous improvement which is exciting for the future potential of this product. I wholeheartedly recommend this automation solution to fellow healthcare providers seeking a reliable and effective means of managing normal pathology filing.

We have been using MyBotGP for last 6 months. Started with pathology blood test filing and in the process of integrating patient registration and electronic prescribing module. It is early days as we are cautiously adding more and more test results to be processed by the bot as well while system is evolving further.
We have already noted significant time saving from clinical admin point of view. Though clinicians were initially sceptical about automation now everyone felt this is safe and reliable process. We are very thankful to support team who are readily available. Product also allow us to make changes quickly that makes this product more efficient

MyBotGP has been implemented since early June at xxxx Surgery, the user dashboard allows practices to configure which pathology tests they want the bot to file and set their own tolerances/reference values. This allows practices time to build the system into everyday practice, add further tests to the bots scope, and implement this in a phased fashion. It’s early days but already we are seeing a time saving with the bot completing the mundane and simple filing for us. We hope to continue to be part of the jiffjaffs journey as they develop this further to help save time and increase quality in general practice.