Do you know we have clients using MyBotGP safely filter and manage over 110 normal pathology tests for them (one is even at 131) – freeing both clinical time and enforcing standardisation?
During our recent webinar, we highlighted the key functionalities and benefits of MyBotGP Normal Pathology Filing.
We received some great questions, and here are some responses.
Q- Keywords can be pulled from the problem page, not just from path’ clinical information?
A- Both, you can probe from the problem page in absence of the condition. Also that keyword check can be applied to pathology test result.
Q- Can it differentiate between ‘diabetes’ and ‘diabetes in remission’ & pre-diabetes?
A- Yes, it will bound to how you define those key words, Once you spell the words in the keyword box, it will apply to those checks.
Q- With our lab we get TFT UEL together results all in one lump –if just one results is abn will the rest not be filed even if normal ?
A- So it depends on how it is setup on the platform. It will decipher and apply the range that we have popped it into the platform.
Q- When filing of pathology into records in SystmOne and how it is seen in the NHS app. What happens is that where 1 test may be abnormal in a test profile, such as LFT, and the rest are normal, yet on the app all are abnormal. Does this SystmOne help us assign to individual tests and get around this problem ?
A- When there are multiple tests, if one is abnormal, it will process the normal ones.
Q- Does it update the request as complete on SystmOne?
A- It marks as reviewed and you can archive it as well.
Q- How many different filters can you put on the same pathology result? eg: HbA1c – check for prediabetes keyword, check for diabetes keyword, check for frailty and different levels for all of them?
A- You can apply multiple, i.e. specific age, gender, keywords, ranges, etc.
Q- Is the SMS message a standard message or can it be changed depending on results?
A- You can tailor them.
Q- Can you see in the EMIS record that it was filed by MyBotGP?
A- Yes everything is marked cleanly
Q- I have one clinician who wants to see all their results, even normal ones. Can you exclude individual requestors results? Or is there the ability to notify a clinician that a patient’s results have all been filed as normal?
A- Yes, nothing is removed from where the path tests are picked up, they are validated but they are still there depending on the file location. If you want the clinician can be added to the status report.
Q- At our practice we send all results (even if normal) back to requesting clinician to review to inform management. With this tech it means can we still do this?
A- Yes you can still do this.
Q -Very roughly, how many hours does it take practices to set up the system?
A- It’s a quick download plugged into SystmOne 30 to 45 min. 1st meeting it takes roughly an hour and 2nd meeting after 1 week is of 1 hour for further setup to fill in the path tests. The more pathology tests you include the better results.
If you have any questions or want to book a demo, please submit the form here or email us at